Mabel L Stewart

Mabel was born July 1885 in New Mexico no death record her father was levin age 51 born July 1849 died 1930 he was a clerk in the grocery store he was born in Maryland
Her mother was Luella age 44 born April 1856 in Missouri they were married in 1874 died 1950
Her brother was Eugene l 24 born in Missouri January 1879 died 1948 he was the assistant cashier at the bank as well

The family lived next door to John Clark and on the other side salmon weiner and  then Allen Hightower who owns his property.


Name:Mabel L Stewart
Birth Date:Jul 1885
Birthplace:New Mexico
Home in 1900:White Oaks, Lincoln, New Mexico
Sheet Number:1
Number of Dwelling in Order of Visitation:9
Family Number:10
Relation to Head of House:Daughter
Marital status:Single
Father’s name:Levin W Stewart
Father’s Birthplace:Maryland
Mother’s name:Luella Stewart
Mother’s Birthplace:Missouri
Occupation:At School
Attended School:8
Can Read:Yes
Can Write:Yes
Can Speak English:Yes
Neighbors: John Clark and Thomas Long
Household Members: Name Age
Levin W Stewart 50
Luella Stewart 44
Eugen L Stewart 24
Mabel L Stewart 14
1988 Church Photo. Press image to see entire Photo