White Oaks Mining Camp Migration 1879

Only 2 newspaper articles found on White Oaks mining camp prior to 1880. If anyone has found others, please contact us via the Contact Page and we will post it and give you credit for finding it.

The Daily Gazette, August 9, 1879

The following items concerning Lincoln County are gathered from the Mesilla news : J. A. Tomilson Esq. is reorganizing the Lincoln County militia; Major John De Laney has been appointed suttler  of the organization. From 40 to 60 claims have been made in the Sierra Capitan, Nogal, Sierra Blanca and White Oaks. Quite a number of men are working in these mines constantly. Mr, Ellis has a mine, the rock from which assays $372 in gold per ton. The White Oak district is coming to the front also, Messers Dowling, Watts and Gill owning some very rich loads in that district. View Source

The Daily Gazette, Nov 11, 1879