Block Names and Placement

In the newspaper clippings below, you will see it was common practice to refer to a building location, in the block where it presided. For example, A barber shop listed an ad in the Old Abe Eagle with location in the Hewitt block. In the basement for that matter. This can easily then be found knowing where the “Hewitt block” was located. The Map below shows the “known” blocks and also the unknown. Once all blocks are known, placement of more businesses can be confidently placed on the Interactive Map of White Oaks. Another obstacle is the changing of locations of trades and business throughout the years. For example, The Post Office started in 1880 and changed locations many times throughout its existence. So when reading an advertisement stating it’s location is “Two doors West of Post Office. or First door East of office” I need to know where the Post Office was at that given date. This is the quest of this site, is to dig down deep and maybe once and for all have a true accountability of lot placement.


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