Alice Skinner

A kind reader Jared brought to my attention an update for a last name on the marriage page . He sent this to me:

Comment: correction: Ben (R. or B.) Parker married to Miss Alice Skinner. May 3rd, 1891.

J. T. Bates obituary notice: James Thomas Bates, father of Ralph Eugene Bates and Dora Bates. Dora married Jacob Basil ” Billy” Mathews, the only other man to shoot Billy the Kid and live tell about it, other than Pat Garrett. That’s my tag, anyway. James and Ralph Bates were very early settlers on Penasco, becoming cattle barons with the formation of the CA Bar, which then went broke. There is a Lincoln Leader mention of a party at JT Bates’s and him being named Roundup Captain. Also his daughter Eolin and wife going to a party at James residence near Mayhill. James is who James Canyon is named for. Near Elk is a Bates Canyon, named for Ralph Eugene Bates and a Mathews Canyon, named for Billy Mathews. There is a book on Billy Mathews. Also the book Pisaca … by Lillian Bidal details some of their history and the CA Bar. James and Ralph are my 2 greats and 3 greats grandfathers.

I am reading all the Lincoln Leader front to back. I would have found the obituary eventually, but you helped me discover it faster. Thank you. Great website. I wish I had the time to set up something similar for the Upper Penasco/Mayhill, Lower Penasco/Elk, Hope, Pinon, Weed, and Avis areas.