Exploding Whiskey

  Pfingsten, Fred “Peg” The oldest boy, Edwin, he wanted to be a cowboy. When he got so he was about twelve years old, why he goes out and went to Arizona. He used to go out and punch cows in Arizona. And then he’d come back into work some that fall and stay a while and go back for spring work there. And after 1901, 1900, why he’d come down the, come on the railroad from Calif-, from Arizona back to Socorro. And by then my dad was freighting quite a bit. He freighted for the city of Bonito and for White Oaks, and he’d drove a six-horse, double wagon freight outfit from Bonito, where he lived, out to White Oaks and then across the Malpais and across the Jornada to Socorro and haul freight back to White Oaks there quite a bit. This brother had been there six months would come back from Arizona he’d have to decide he wanted to come back home, and so he’d come back and said the first time that they came back, why, they were comin’ across the Jornada and got up to about two days out from Socorro and broke a … Continue reading Exploding Whiskey